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     情景對話:Five o'clock shadow 男人的胡茬
    上一條: 情景會話:面試的時候我該穿什么衣服? 下一條: 情景會話:今天升職后我請客

    今天Larry和李華一起去參加《哈利·波特》的電影首映會。Li Hua非常喜歡飾演哈利·波特的丹尼爾·拉德克利夫,興奮不已。Li Hua會學到兩個常用語:glam和five o'clock shadow.

    LH: 今天能見到丹尼爾拉德克利夫耶!我的白馬王子!

    LL: WOW. Lihua, you must be really excited to meet Harry Potter in person.

    LH: 那當然,他簡直是太帥了……

    (The cast of Harry Potterwalk out)

    LL: Oh look, it's the cast! They sure look glam!

    LH: Glam是什么意思?聽起來好像glamorous.

    LL: You're absolutely correct! Glam means glamorous. It describes someone wearing fashionable clothing and make-up, especially when done excessively.

    LH: 所以glam就是魅力四射的意思。那你又說尤其是用在過度打扮的人身上,這么說這個詞有負面的意思嘍?

    LL: Not at all. Glam, like glamorous, is used to describe people who dress up in a way that they really stand out, but stand out in a good way. It is often used to describe celebrities.

    LH: 原來如此。Glam是用來形容打扮華麗的人,而不是過度打扮的人,所以形容明星最合適!那太好了,我一定要學起來,等會告訴丹尼爾。

    LL: I'm sure Daniel Radcliffe will be very happy to hear it.

    LH: Larry, you're such a glam today!

    LL: Uh, thank you? Why are you saying it to me? I'm only wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

    LH: 我只是想練習一下!免得等會搞砸了。哎,我這么說對嗎?

    LL: Well, you said "you're such a glam today". Which means you used the word glam as a noun. However, it is an adjective, just like the original word, glamorous. So you would have to say, "you're so glam today".

    LH: 我明白了,glam是形容詞,所以我剛應該說"you're so glam today",而不是"you're such a glam today."

    LL: Yup, that's right.

    (The actors are slowly walking towards Larry and Li Hua's direction)

    LH: 快看,那不是哈利嘛!哈利!哈利!

    LL: Hmmm...slow down Lihua. Are you sure that's Harry? I didn't know Harry has a five o'clock shadow.

    LH: 你在說什么呀!我說演哈利的丹尼爾來了,又沒問你時間...而且現(xiàn)在才三點,別搗亂。

    LL: No, I mean he has a beard. A five o'clock shadow is facial stubble, it sometimes describes a man's beard at the end of the day.

    LH: ?原來five o'clock shadow是指胡子,就是男生一天下來,到下午五點就會長出來的一點點胡子,所以人們就用five o'clock shadow來形容男生臉上的胡子茬子。

    LL: Yes. That is correct. After a day's work, many men will have a noticeable growth of facial hair. Since most people finish work around five o'clock, it's called a five o'clock shadow.

    LH: 啊,Larry, you have a five o'clock shadow too! 你今天早上沒有刮胡子吧?

    LL: No I don't. Do I? (try to distract Lihua) Look! Harry's getting closer, don't you want to take pictures?

    LH: 唉呀!差點忘了。我的照相機……在……這!

    (Li Hua zooms in to take a picture of Harry)

    LH: 他真有 a five o'clock shadow 耶……不過還是好帥!

    LL: Ai, Li Hua. I didn't know you were so attracted to glam celebrities.

    LH: Not all the glam celebrities. 只有哈利!

    LL: But he has a five o'clock shadow. Didn't you say that you can't stand men who have a beard.

    LH: 你是說他今天留胡子,所以我不應該喜歡嗎!可是,他連留胡子都這么好看!哈利,哈利。“〔粚Γつ釥!我都緊張得語無倫次了。

    LL: Hey, practice using what you just learned! And tell him how handsome he is.

    LH: Harry! You have a five o'clock shadow!!

    (People turn around to stare at Li Hua)

    LH: 等等, 我剛說了什么……

    LL: Harry, she meant to say you are very glam!

    LH: 哎, 真丟臉……

        發(fā)表時間:[ 2013/9/12 ] 瀏覽次數(shù): [ 2485 ]
    上一條: 情景會話:面試的時候我該穿什么衣服? 下一條: 情景會話:今天升職后我請客
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